Thanks to a plethora of procedural shows, most people, even those of us who have never been in any type of legal are familiar with the concept of arrest warrants. We know that they are a document that the police are issued that allows them...

The threat of your young child disappearing when they go back to school is far greater than you imagine. According to Child Find of America, approximately 2,300 children are abducted every single day in the United States. The National Center of Exploited and Missing Children...

When it comes to breaking the law, most people know they shouldn’t do that because if they do, they will face consequences. However, while people may understand this concept pretty easily, what they may not realize is that there are varying levels when it comes...

In most situations, you’ll know exactly how much bail money is needed for you to be released as soon as the booking officer has finished processing your bail. That’s because the charges filed against you are relatively minor and bail was pre-determined long before your...

Officially they are called side-collision impact accidents, but because the result is two cars forming a T, most of us know them as T-bone accidents. They occur when two vehicles are traveling in different directions go through an intersection at the same time. At least one of...

Even in today’s digital world, there is still a high demand for physical shipping. After all, how else would people be able to get something that they ordered online? This means that mail is still a pretty big deal, even if it may not seem...

Internet safety is always a big concern, especially for parents. You never know who your kids might be meeting online unless you pay close attention. Most parents know to warn their kids about talking to strangers that they met online on sites like Facebook. However,...

All parents know of the age-old punishment of taking something from a child to teach them to behave better. It used to be a toy or TV privileges. In today’s modern world, the most common form of punishment is to take away the kid’s smartphone....

Anything is supposed to get better with age (like wine!) and experience, right? Wrong. As much as we’d like to believe that the more experience someone has in something, anything, the better they’ll be, it’s simply not always true. Unfortunately, some people are incapable of...

A person should never have to go through their deepest hardships alone, no matter what the situation is. For many people, this darkest time is when they have been arrested for a crime and thrown in jail. Now, they face trial, an unknown verdict (at...

Moms and dads, if you ever get the call that your daughter has been arrested, please contact us at Orleans Parish Bail Bonds if she is eligible to bail out of jail. Juveniles (17 years or younger) do not bail out of jail. They will...