Following your arrest, you contacted Orleans Parish Bail Bonds and they helped bail you out of jail. Great! Now, you’re not sure what you should do with yourself. For the most part, you should go about your regular daily life, assuming that your daily life doesn’t...

It is no secret that communication is the key to success. It is also a component to successfully cultivating a harmonious relationship between yourself and your bail bondsman. Early in your relationship, there are a few key things you need to discuss with the representative...

When you were arrested, you assumed it wouldn’t be long before you were out on bail. Only, now that all the paperwork has been completed and you’ve been booked, you learn that bail has been denied. The denial of bail completely changes your immediate future. Instead...

Needing bail is serious. Your entire future rides, not just on the eventual outcome of your court case, but also on your ability to continue working and paying bills while you wait for the case to wind its way through the judicial process. It can...