When you are planning to bail a friend or family member out of jail, there are a few things that you should know. This way, you will be ready to go when you talk to a bail agent, which will help speed up the bail...

If you are like most people, then your answer to that question is probably somewhere along the lines of not much. That is perfectly fine. Most people never need to know anything about bail or bail bonds. Unfortunately, sometimes things happen and a person finds...

The person you love most was just arrested and now you have no idea what to do. You want to help him out, but you do not know-how. Most people do not have any sort of idea or plan on getting someone they love out...

For any of you out there who have children, you know how crucial it is to be a solid role model for them. That means being honest, honorable, and a well-rounded family person. Parents can’t afford to go out and drink every night, do drugs, avoid traffic violation tickets, get into arguments (that could lead to altercations), etc. Having a child means the consequences of such actions are more heartbreaking:
  • Your child could grow up without you in his or her life.
  • Your child, old enough to know what you had been up to, could make the serious decision to cut you out of their life.
  • Your child could also begin to start trouble and end up in jail, just like you.
  • Your family is no longer a family, and your home is no longer a home.
  • You can avoid all of this simply by looking and evaluating how you are as a parent. Mistakes happen and people do forgive, but it’s best to try and just avoid that mistake altogether!

Some things have a tendency to blindside people. For instance, you never expect your car to break down on you will going do the freeway. You also never expect a friend to get arrested. Unfortunately, these things do happen from time to time. You can...

With thousands of people getting arrested every day, everyone should have a plan ready in case you or someone you care about gets arrested. St Tammany Parish Bail Bonds and our skilled bail agents should be a part of that plan. We offer all potential...

Bailing someone out of jail is not as easy as it appears to be on television. This isn’t to say that bail is difficult, there is simply more to bailing someone out of jail than is shown. Namely, the high price of the bail. The...

We at St. Tammany Parish Bail Bondsknow how difficult and intimidating bailing a friend or family member out of jail can be. Most people are not prepared to bail someone they care about out of jail and so they may feel lost. To help our...

Every single year, approximately 7.5 million Americans become the victims of a stalker. If you suspect that you’ve attracted the attention of a stalker you must remain calm while simultaneously taking steps to protect yourself. Don’t Dismiss the Threat One of the biggest mistakes many stalking victims...

There are plenty of times in life when it feels like everything is going against you. It feels like no one is on your side and that everyone is trying to make things more difficult. This feeling can often become present when facing very difficult...

Just because you’ve been granted bail, it doesn’t mean you’re free to do whatever you want. In most cases, bail comes with a list of rules you must follow. Breaking these rules will result in your bail getting revoked and you returning to jail. It...