One of the very first things you’re told when you’re arrested in Louisiana is that you have the right to remain silent. It’s very clearly stated during the Miranda Rights which will be recited to you every single time you’re arrested. In nearly all situations, taking...

Most people don’t have the option of deciding if they should bail themselves out of jail or if they should take advantage of Orleans Parish Bail Bonds. They simply don’t have enough money to make bail on their own, so their only real choice is...

Sometimes we will only ask you to pay a 10% fee in order to secure your bail bond. Other times we may ask for the 10% fee and some form of collateral. As a rule, we will only require that you present some form of...

It doesn’t matter if it’s a phone call asking that you schedule an appointment or if officers knock on your door. Learning that the police want to talk to you is enough to strike terror into your heart, even if you haven’t done anything wrong. When...

Many people out there think that bailing someone out of jail is super difficult. However, they are wrong. Bailing someone out of jail can be extremely easy when you work with the right bail bond company. A good bail agent can simplify the bail process...

Most of us have heard so much about the dangers of drinking and driving that we would never dream of sliding behind the wheel after consuming alcohol. Yet, we seldom think twice about going for a drive while we’re tired. The truth is that while there...

The issue of when the police can and can’t conduct a search without a warrant has always been a sensitive issue. It’s also an important issue and one that should be explored with every single case that involves searches and evidence. The reason it’s so important...

When a person is suddenly thrust into a new experience, they can have trouble finding their footing. This is especially true in areas that have a lot of unique wording and terms that aren’t used in day-to-day life. For instance, people who have suddenly found...

Everyone has experienced something that just felt like it would never end. We’ve all had to sit in a room and wait for something. We watched the clock on the wall, studied the boring hands as they ticked by at a painfully slow pace. These...

Most people see bail as this horrible device or service. They think they need to avoid it at all costs, but they fail to realize that bail is actually helpful. Bail allows a recently arrested person to bail out of jail while they await their...

Unfortunately, in this day and age, it is becoming harder and harder to rely on companies. Many seem to have forgotten just how important their clients are. Instead, they are more concerned with how much money they can make off of their customers. This can...