Sometimes, accomplishing a difficult task for the first time can feel like you are fighting against the world itself. Every obstacle is a struggle as you learn how to get through it. If you are trying to do something alone, things get even harder. That...

When the topic of bail comes up, the first question many people have is how much will it be? If you’ve been arrested for a crime that has a pre-set bail, the booking officer will likely be able to answer your question. If you’ve been...

Summertime is supposed to be about having fun and celebrating life. The problem is that sometimes having fun sometimes crosses a legal line. Unfortunately, that line is sometimes hard to see and we don’t realize that we’ve crossed it until we find ourselves sitting in...

The bail bond system is designed to allow individuals who have been charged with a crime to continue to work, provide for their families, and simply enjoy life while the court deals with the case. A bail bond is a formal agreement between you, the...

When you’re arrested, you usually have the option of paying a cash bail or applying for a bail bond. When you decide to pay a cash bail, you’re paying the entire amount of the bail yourself. Or a loved one does it for you. The great...