Most people see bail as this horrible device or service. They think they need to avoid it at all costs, but they fail to realize that bail is actually helpful. Bail allows a recently arrested person to bail out of jail while they await their...

Unfortunately, in this day and age, it is becoming harder and harder to rely on companies. Many seem to have forgotten just how important their clients are. Instead, they are more concerned with how much money they can make off of their customers. This can...

When you don't know how to do something, you go looking for someone who does. Typically, this means looking for a professional. You need to find someone who knows how to help you but will do so at a price that you can actually afford....

Needing bail is serious. Your entire future rides, not just on the eventual outcome of your court case, but also on your ability to continue working and paying bills while you wait for the case to wind its way through the judicial process. It can...

Everyone has a group of people in their lives that they care about and depend on for everything. They are always there for you when you need them. Likewise, you return the favor by never letting them down, no matter what they may be facing....

Everybody likes getting free stuff, and one thing that should always be free is information. This is why we offer free consultations for all potential clients here at Orleans Parish Bail Bonds. We know how intimidating bail can be. We want to make bailing out...

No one ever plans on one of their loved ones getting arrested, and yet thousands of people are arrested every single day in Louisiana alone. The arrest of a friend or family member is never a welcome surprise. It comes out of nowhere and leaves...

The only way to remain the best at something is to continue to deal with it on a regular basis. As many adults can attest to, we lose a lot of the information we gain in school after we graduate. Our minds only hold on...

You never know when something bad is going to happen where you need help to fix it. This is why these sorts of things are called emergencies. They pop up without warning and often need a lot of help to fix them. This is definitely...

When you are making a big purchase, you already feel like you are spending enough money. You don’t need any extra charges or fees added to the final price. If that were to happen you might seriously consider not making the purchase. That works for...

Life is hectic and sometimes it can be difficult to find the time to do everything that we need to. This can often lead to somethings being pushed to the side in order to accomplish more important tasks. Sometimes you have to cancel plans with...