Summer is here – days are longer, the sun is coming out, and cooler summer nights are once more a thing. These are the days that must be spent outdoors with your loved ones rather than being stuck inside your home like every other...

When you need to bail someone out of jail, you want to do it quickly. This is a very stressful time for you, and you know it is even worse for your loved one in jail. It is completely understandable that you want to get...

While most people have heard of bail bonds agencies, few actually understand what they are or how the bail bonds process works until a loved one is arrested and requires a bail bond. The main function of a bail bonds agency is to provide the accused...

Whenever someone has to face something unpleasant, they want to finish it as quickly as possible. After all, that’s why many people will say things like: “Let’s get this over with.” This fact rings true for a lot of different situations, including bailing someone out...

There are many reasons you should turn to Orleans Parish Bail Bonds when you or a loved one needs a bail bond. One of those reasons is that we offer phone approval bail bonds. You won’t believe how much the phone approval simplifies your current...

Orleans Parish Bail Bonds is committed to making the bail bonds process as simple and easy as possible. Offering mobile bail bonds is just one of the things we do to make a bail bond more accessible. The way our mobile bail bonds program works is...

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. Those of us who are single often feel that the holiday is the perfect day to arrange a first date and hopefully strike up a romance. The problem is that some of us are so fixated on connecting...

Nothing stays the same and taxes are no exception. Every single year, the IRS changes things up. It’s in your best interest to take a few minutes and review the new tax laws for 2022 that will come into play when you work on your...

Bail exists to help balance the justice system. The purpose of bail is to let recently arrested defendants leave police custody and jail so they can return home to their loved ones and go back to work, spend time with family, and go about as...

Getting arrested in Louisiana is terrifying. Many people are so overwhelmed and confused that they don’t fully understand what their rights are. That’s why the police recite the Miranda Rights when they make an arrest. The Miranda Rights clearly lay out all the things you...

One of the very first things you’re told when you’re arrested in Louisiana is that you have the right to remain silent. It’s very clearly stated during the Miranda Rights which will be recited to you every single time you’re arrested. In nearly all situations, taking...

You may not be familiar with the term “porch pirates” but it’s a pretty good bet that either you or someone you are close to has been a victim of one. A porch pirate is exactly what it sounds like. It’s a term that refers...