Do you have a sneaking suspicion that there may be a warrant out for your arrest? If so, you should look into that. You want to find out for sure, and get this possible problem handled right away. You can do that by contacting Orleans Parish Bail Bonds.
Orleans Parish Bail Bonds is a family-owned, Louisiana bail bond company. We were founded in 1999, and have spent the last 20 years helping Tennesseans face bail. We have also spent that time providing warrant checks for people who need them.
All we need to do this is the name of the person who the warrant might be for, his or her birthday, and the county where the warrant might have been issued. Once we have that, we will check to see if a warrant has been issued for the client’s arrest. If there is no warrant, then that’s all there is to it. If there is a warrant, the client does not need to worry.
At Orleans Parish Bail Bonds, we will work alongside our clients to try and minimize their jail time as much as possible. We work with our clients to get as much of the bail bond set up as we can before they turn themselves in to jail. This way, we can bail them out quickly after they have gone through the booking process.
All warrant checks are free. There is no reason to not get one if someone thinks there is a warrant out for their arrest. Unfortunately, there are several counties across Louisiana that do not allow third-parties to look up warrants for their clients. This means that in those counties, a person has to go to the local jail or court’s clerk office to check for themselves. In these instances, it is still a good idea to call Orleans Parish Bail Bonds, in case the person does have a warrant and gets arrested on the spot.