When you’ve been arrested, there are two major things you need to worry about. The first is how you’re going to handle your legal problems. The second is whether you should pay bail or stay in jail until your case is resolved. There are pros...

It doesn’t matter if you’re trying to secure bail for yourself or for a loved one, it’s always a stressful process. The sheer amount of stress you’re dealing with combined with the underlying sense of urgency you feel can result in some costly mistakes. More...

It is no secret that communication is the key to success. It is also a component to successfully cultivating a harmonious relationship between yourself and your bail bondsman. Early in your relationship, there are a few key things you need to discuss with the representative...

No one wants to spend any more time in a jail cell than absolutely necessary. The fastest way to get out of that cell is to come up with bail money as quickly as possible. The challenge many people face is how they’re supposed to...

Most people recognize the fact that no one knows everything. Everybody has certain areas of knowledge where they are experts, and areas where they no nothing. For many people out there, one area where they have very little understanding, is anything revolving around the arrest...

When you need help covering your bail, you don’t want to deal with some fly-by-the-night bail bonds agency who will take your money and disappear. You want to work with a family owned bail bonds business that will help you through this difficult time. The problem...

The bail bond system is designed to allow individuals who have been charged with a crime to continue to work, provide for their families, and simply enjoy life while the court deals with the case. A bail bond is a formal agreement between you, the...

Just because you’ve been granted bail, it doesn’t mean you’re free to do whatever you want. In most cases, bail comes with a list of rules you must follow. Breaking these rules will result in your bail getting revoked and you returning to jail. It...

The odds are pretty good that bail and the role of a local bail bonds business never crossed your mind until you or a loved one is arrested. The problem is that by the time you realize you need bail, you’re often not in a...

It’s a phone call you never expected to get. Your best friend calls you in the middle of the night and announces that they’ve been arrested. They beg you to help them with their bail. As much as you want to help, your own funds...

You’ve been arrested. The bail has been set. You’ve decided to use Saint Tammany Parish Bail Bonds. Now you want to get out of jail right away. We totally understand. What we want you to understand is that while the bail bonds process is usually quite...

When you’re arrested, you usually have the option of paying a cash bail or applying for a bail bond. When you decide to pay a cash bail, you’re paying the entire amount of the bail yourself. Or a loved one does it for you. The great...